Clentac – Multipurpose Service Agency Website CMS 2.0


Clentac is the Complete solution and Standard dynamic featured Multipurpose Service Agency Website CMS, which has all the necessary features to start any kind of agency website. If you are looking for the best agency platform, this Clentac is the all-in-one solution for you. This software has been developed for people who want to create an multipurpose Agency or Cleaning Service website!

Admin Panel:

  • Standard Dashboard Statistics
  • Get Total Get in touch message number
  • Total Subscribers number
  • Toatl services number showing
  • Numbers of Total projects
  • Numbers of Total team members
  • Total numbers of blog
  • Showing most recent get in touch messages
  • Creating new services
  • All the existing service management
  • Creating Faq for individual services
  • All the existing faq services management
  • Get in touch management
  • Showing all the Contact messages
  • Able to set all the contact details
  • Blog category Management
  • Blog post Management
  • Proejct category Management
  • Proejcts Management
  • Handle Page Settings
  • Team Members informations Handling
  • All the Site informations management
  • Manages Theme Settings
  • Logo and Favicon Management
  • Breadcumb Management
  • Social links handling
  • Cookie concent Management
  • Languages Settings
  • Plugins Management
  • Website Maintainance Handling
  • Able to Handle Sliders
  • About Section Handling
  • Counter section management
  • manages Frequently Asked Question section
  • Contact section Management
  • Showing and set Testimonial section
  • Brand section Handling
  • Role Management
  • Staff Management Feature
  • Able to manage all the Subscribers
  • Website Role Management and Clear Cache Feature
  • Edit Profile and Password Changing System
  • Smart Password Recovery System

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